Monthly Archives: November 2024

On Alice and her restaurant – 2024…

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The original Alice may be gone – but the song about her now-famous restaurant lives on….

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I have a Thanksgiving tradition that goes back – literally – a century ago. (To 1993, back in the 20th century?) Every Thanksgiving since then I do my best to listen to Alice’s Restaurant, the “musical monologue by singer-songwriter Arlo Guthrie,” released in 1967. (All 18 minutes and 34 seconds, at one sitting.*) But this year brought some troubling news:

Alice Brock, who helped inspire [the] classic ‘Alice’s Restaurant,’ dies at 83. (A ripe old age, but I hope to go well beyond that.) And this was shortly after I learned that Arlo himself suffered a stroke on Thanksgiving Day 2019, leading him to retire from touring and stage shows.

Those two bits of depressing news gave me the idea for yet another post on Alice, her restaurant, and maybe on how the movie – inspired by Guthrie’s musical monologue – proved yet again how Hollywood often distorts reality to sell tickets. (A topic I discussed in On Conclave – “Worth a $17 ticket?” As in my saying, watching that film, “Geez, that [bleeping] Hollywood!”)

Something else happened too. In November 2015 I posted Alice’s Restaurant – Revisited. Then just a year later, November 2016, I posted On Alice and her restaurant – yet again. I did that quick reprise mostly because in November 2016 Donald Trump got elected to his first term. (I didn’t believe it then and have trouble believing it now.) Anyway, in reviewing that 2016 post I came across some information that may help decipher what his next four years will be like.

This country has now embarked on what we might call “the Donald Experiment…” Which means the question to be decided in the next four years is whether Trump can deliver on the veritable plethora of promises made in his recent campaigns… Or whether those promises are merely “negotiable campaign devices.” 

That’s what I wrote about the first Trump term. (Then too, in August 2019 I wondered if it might have been better if Trump got re-elected in 2020, instead of giving us at least three years of angst. See On “why it might be better…” (Gasp!) For one thing, next January 20 we’d be watching him leave the White House for good, at least according to the 22nd Amendment.)

Another side note: For more on those “negotiable promises,” see Before taking office, Trump signals campaign promises are negotiableAll the Campaign Promises Donald Trump Has Broken in the Last 24 Hours, and/or Trump backs away from some of his strident campaign promises. They make for some interesting reading, but we may have to wait for future events to see what kind of Déjà Vu All Over Again his most-recent campaign promises may mean.

Then too the 2016 post described the term “massacree” – as Guthrie used it in his song – as a colloquialism describing “an event so wildly and improbably and baroquely messed up that the results are almost impossible to believe.” In 2016 I said it “perfectly describes the election we just went through,” but how about the reprise in 2024? (I still find it hard to believe.)

But for now, let’s move on to something more pleasant. (Keeping in mind that I’ll probably be reviewing both Yet again and (Gasp!) a few times in the upcoming years.) A pleasant topic like how Hollywood often distorts reality to sell tickets. Which brings us back to the film version of Alice’s Restaurant. Wikipedia includes a section on “Differences from real life,” and it’s pretty lengthy. The original song was, “for the most part, a true story,” but “most of the other events and characters in the film were fictional creations.” (What a surprise.)

For example, the beginning of the film showed Guthrie getting kicked out of a town in Montana – he was attending a college to avoid the draft – and thrown through a plate glass window. Pure fiction, and Guthrie later expressed regret “that Montana got a ‘bad rap’ in the film.” (And yes, we used to say things like that back then in the late ’60s and early ’70s.) 

Brock herself panned how the film showed her. “That wasn’t me. That was someone else’s idea of me.” The part I remember was the film showing Brock sleeping with “Shelley,” a heroin addict. (Among others, including Guthrie). Then too Richard Robbins – Guthrie’s “real” co-defendant in the Thanksgiving dump incident – later described most of the movie as “all fiction” and “complete bull.” (In the film he was replaced by an actor.)

Finally, Guthrie thought the film “frankly, garbage” and “a terrible movie.” Mostly because it was too nihilistic. (What started out as a fun film turned way too depressing by the end. Much like the 1972 film Fritz the Cat, which I also saw several times in my early 20s.)

He felt that rather than rejecting “fundamental aspects of human existence” – like knowledge, morality or meaning – his song and his generation (and mine) made a major difference. “Those values are not sixties values; they’re eternal values.” Some of those eternal values still live on, in cases like Ringo Starr Celebrating His [84rh] Birthday With Peace and Love.

And that’s a 1960’s value we could use a lot more of in the next four years…

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The upper image is courtesy of Alice Restaurant Draft Body Inspection … Image Results. (I was looking for a telling image from the Whitehall Street “draft” sequence in the film. In case Trump brings back the draft, like maybe for political opponents? And maybe including Short-arm inspections?

Re: “All 18 minutes and 34 seconds, at one sitting.” Technically that refers to one sitting while driving my car. (Like I did that first time in 1993, to get the best Karma result.) Note also that Guthrie’s word “massacree” in the title is a corruption of the word massacre, “but carries a much lighter and more sarcastic connotation, never being used to describe anything involving actual death.”

Re: “A ripe old age.” See my 2021 post, On “Will I REALLY live to 120?”

The lower image is courtesy of Ringo Starr Peace And Love – Image Results.

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On Conclave – “Worth a $17 ticket?”

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November 20, 2024 – It’s finally time for me to do a movie review. You know, of a recent film?

I last did one in April 2023, but that was on a movie released in 1941: About Swamp Water, the “film noir” directed by Jean Renoir starring Walter Brennan and Dana Andrews. That film – with its ghoulish image of a water moccasin biting Brennan on the cheek – really creeped me out. (Back in the early 1960s when I was about 10.) But it also fascinated me so much that I decided that some day I would paddle across the Okefenokee Swamp myself.

Which I finally did in February 2023, after three separate tries spanning the eight years from 2015. And there’s a connection: In reviewing “Swamp Water” I discussed the huge difference between the Okefenokee as it really was and how “deadly” it was portrayed by Hollywood. (After paddling serenely through it myself.) The result? In March 2023 I posted Okefenokee – “Haven of Serenity” or Deadly Swamp? My conclusion? Definitely a haven of serenity.

In a similar way, near the end of the just-released Conclave – watching the dramatic plot’s denouement – I found myself blurting out, “Geez, that [bleeping] Hollywood!”

But other than that I liked it.

Wikipedia called Conclavethriller directed by Edward Berger and starring Ralph FiennesStanley TucciJohn LithgowSergio Castellitto, and Isabella Rossellini. “In the film, Cardinal Thomas Lawrence (Fiennes) organizes a papal conclave to elect the next pope, and finds himself investigating secrets and scandals about each candidate.” There’s more below, but first some background on my saying this blog would focus mostly on film reviews:

Those reviews – when they happen – are a throwback to my time at the University of South Florida, in 1976. I reviewed movies for the student newspaper, The Oracle.  (Before it got all famous and well-known.) I liked films enough to make that my minor.

(From THAT “WASP” NAME, above.) In those college days I had a simple formula for reviews, based on the idea that no movie was all bad or all good. If I liked the movie, two-thirds of the review would be positive. (Then came a downside.) If I didn’t, the review would be two-thirds negative, but still – I figured – that much work had to offer some redeeming social value.

Since my poor-student college days I’ve added an another factor, the price of admission. (In this case, at the Tara Theatre near Woodland Hills in Atlanta.) The price of admission – that Thursday, October 31 – was $17.42 for the ticket, and “even at that high price (‘gasp!’) the film was worth seeing.” (On the plus side, I got a tall Miller Lite for $6.)

Which is really saying something. That’s the most I’ve paid to see a movie, ever, and even at $17.42 a ticket Conclave was worth the price of admission. But here I run into a problem. I saw the movie on Halloween night, October 31, and intended to review it while the film was still fresh in my mind. Then came the election, five days later, which threw me for a loop.

Which brings up one dramatic highlight, when a bomb exploded just outside the building where the conclave was meeting. Immediately Cardinal Tedesco, an “Italian traditionalist,” railed against the “foreigners” and “barbarians” who would do such a thing. (And boy did that sound familiar.) That is, “Tedesco attempts to use the attack to his political advantage by blaming Islamists and calling for the Church to fight a war against Islam.”

But then came the surprise dark-horse candidate, Cardinal Benitez, who had been working in Afghanistan. He responded calmly and reasonably, saying that “violence should not be met with violence,” and that he has seen the true cost of war during his time in the Congo, Baghdad, and Kabul. (You might even say his response smacked of true Christian love.) The cardinals end up moved so much that they elect Benitez as pope on the sixth ballot.

That and the surprise twist near the end struck me as possibly a Hollywood political plea for a similar calm, reasoned and loving outcome of the then-upcoming election, “five days hence.” Needless to say, Benitez’s message did not turn out to be prescient. (Showing knowledge of an event before it happens.) As for the surprise twist, that’s what led me to blurt out, “Geez, that [bleeping] Hollywood!” (So be prepared for that surprise.)

But enough about my reaction, tainted as it was by the passage of time and the intervening election results. (Where I’d say the “Tedescos” of America won.) But what have others said? The Wikipedia article includes a smorgasbord of reactions, so I’ll give you some samples. (Which by the way, I couldn’t do when I did reviews for the USF Oracle. There were no such sources of collateral information. You know, “a century ago?”) The Rotten Tomatoes website included the comment that “Conclave is a godsend for audiences who crave intelligent entertainment.”

Perhaps not surprisingly, one Catholic bishop said the movie “checks practically every woke box, I’m sure it will win a boatload of awards, but my advice is to run away from it as fast as you can.” In turn, an evangelical reviewer said that “though the film subtly advances progressive convictions, it gives cardinals of all ideological persuasions equal opportunity to fall short.”

As for me, I’d say it was – and still is – worth the price of admission. (“$17? Gasp!” I did find out later I could have gotten a $13 senior discount.) Either way, for me that’s high praise indeed.

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 Isabella Rossellini adds a touch of class and keeps a bribing candidate out of office…

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The upper and lower images are both courtesy of Conclave Movie … Image Results. BTW, Rossellini is the daughter of Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman and Italian director Roberto Rossellini

Re: Paddling across the Okefenokee. See the March 15 2023 post I paddled across the Okefenokee – finally! (And links therein.) Later that month I posted The Okefenokee – “Haven of Serenity” or Deadly Swamp? (My conclusion? The former.)

Re: Tara Theatre. The art house movie theater, located at 2345 Cheshire Bridge Road NE, that “specializes in the showing of independent films, the only theater in Atlanta to do so exclusively.” Wikipedia. See also Tara Theatre Movie Showtimes & Tickets | Atlanta | Fandango: “$17.42 for the Thursday night 8:15 show,” but only $13.88 for “Child/Senior/Military.” Being a Senior Citizen myself – at 73 – “I won’t make that mistake again.”

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Other random notes I found, not included in the main text, in no particular order:

Conclave Explained: How A New Pope Is Chosen – Screen Rant, with a section, “How a new pope is chosen in real life,”

a highly secretive process held behind closed doors at the Sistine Chapel, which is scanned for microphones and cameras before the procedure begins.

While being sequestered, cardinals aren’t allowed to speak about the ongoing election process with anyone outside, or else they’d be excommunicated.

A cardinal is required to receive a majority of two-thirds of all votes to become the new pope. If a new pope is selected, white smoke will come from the Vatican’s rooftop, revealing to the world that a decision has been made. However, if a decision isn’t made, ballots will be burnt with an additional chemical that makes the smoke black. In this case, the conclave resumes, with two to four more votes held per day. If, on the fifth day, a decision hasn’t been made, the cardinals will pause for prayer and discussion before continuing.

“Technically, Any Baptized Catholic Male Can Be Elected Pope”

How Accurate Conclave’s Pope Selection Process Is

Conclave Misses Some Details But Nails The Important Elements

The usage of O’Malley for outside information heightens the drama in Conclave and works to the film’s benefit, but the rules Lawrence breaks stretch the bounds of fiction. Isabella Rossellini’s role as Sister Agnes likely has more autonomy than she would in real life, supporting the film’s feminist themes. Lawrence is shown voting for himself toward the end of Conclave, and it’s implied that other cardinals have been doing the same throughout the film, which would technically not be allowed. The overall process is handled by the film with sophistication, though some details are obscured for cinematic drama.

Conclave Ending: The Chosen Pope’s Shocking Twist Explained:

This movie is about the oldest patriarchal institution in the world, representing many other patriarchal institutions in the world. And at the end of the movie, there’s a crack in that institution, a crack of perhaps femininity, ya? It’s a crack that a light can shine through, a guiding light for the future, perhaps. And the future is a world where maybe both can exist?

Once that conclave is over, the shutters open, and [Lawrence] opens the window, and lets the air and the sun and life back in. And he hears that feminine laughter of those three nuns. In a way, it’s the future and it evokes a smile on him. It’s the promise of a more egalitarian tomorrow with a Pope who might offer some understanding for all people, no matter their gender or sex.

Conclave Ending Explained: What The New Pope’s Secret Means:

Benitez’s Conclave twist is meant to surprise, especially since the cardinal would now be the first pope to not have been born a male. Benitez is an intersex person who believed he was male well into adulthood. His gender was never questioned, and he was sent to seminary very early on in life. However, it wasn’t until he was injured in a car bomb while in Afghanistan that a doctor’s examination revealed the truth — Benitez had a uterus. Believing this disqualified him from his position, he offered to resign, but the pope instead arranged for Benitez to have a hysterectomy.

Intersex – Wikipedia.

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On unintended consequences…

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If Nixon had gotten Lennon deported like he wanted – John might still be alive today…

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On March 23, 1973, U.S. Immigration ordered John Lennon to leave the U.S. within 60 days. The reason? His conviction in 1968 in England for possessing marijuana. But, “As we now know … it had more to do with President Richard Nixon administration’s general fear of Lennon, his political views and his influence.” Lennon fought the deportation and ultimately won. That included the right to stay, specifically, in New York City at the Dakota Apartments, 1 West 72nd Street. There, on the evening of December 8, 1980, he was gunned down by Mark David Chapman. The thing is, if he’d lost his deportation battle he might still be alive today. (As “Sir John.”)

That’s what you might call an unintended consequence, and that brings up why I’m not reviewing the movie Conclave as I planned for this post. It’s because the recently-decided election includes an unintended consequence from 2020. Specifically on why it might have been better if Trump had won the election back then. The main reason? Because he would have had to deal – probably ineffectively – with the war in the Ukraine, the war in and around Israel, and especially the runaway inflation that proved to be such a big factor in the election.

Thus my conclusion that it probably would have been better if he’d won back in 2020:

My main concern?  He’d still be eligible to run in 2024, and in the intervening four years – with a Democrat as president – he might just wreak more havoc to American democracy than he could as president… So wouldn’t it be better to get it over with?  To get rid of Trump once and for all, in 2024?  Then too, if he did get re-elected in 2020, he would immediately become a “lame duck.”

To clarify, it might have been better to get rid of Trump on January 20, 2025. That’s when he’d be leaving the White House for the final time, instead of coming back again. (Like some “Undead Revenant?”) On the other hand, my comment about him “wreaking more havoc” – lingering on at the sidelines since 2020 – certainly turned out to be prescient. (But not in the good way.)

And incidentally, the film Conclave had a not-too-subtle message on why the Sovereign People should not have voted as they did last Tuesday, but that’s a topic for a later post. (Hopefully.) But “the People” have decided and Trump will be back in office next January 20. Which means it’s time to review some other prognostications I made about such a second term.

First off, about that lame duck business. In one definition it means the time between Election Day and when the new president takes office, on January 20. (In this case, 76 days or roughly two and a half months.) Meaning Joe Biden using those 76 days for unfinished business and take some final steps to shaping his legacy. But in another definition it refers to the fact that “any U.S. president winning a second term ‘automatically becomes a lame duck.’” 

That’s because the Twenty-second Amendment keeps a president from serving a third term. Thus he “doesn’t have to worry about getting re-elected.” In Trump’s case, that means he no longer has to “worry about throwing raw meat at his wacko base.” Then too he might start appreciating that he is “much closer to the end than to the beginning,” and that he’ll soon meet His Maker. Then too, being much closer to the end than the beginning, he might seriously start thinking about his legacy. (At 78 he is the oldest president ever elected.) Then too, while in office he might have a mini-stroke like the Apostle Paul’s, and have a Conversion Damascus Road experience. (Or a Mini Heart Attack? President Eisenhower was 65 when he had his first.)

For one example from history about a second-term president doing an about-face: “Ronald Reagan signed an arms control treaty with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev,” despite his opposition to arms control during his first term. Might Trump also change some of his attitudes and rhetoric at some time during his second term?

Unfortunately, that second lame-duck definition can be a two-edged sword. It can liberate a president like Reagan to work for the common good, or it can make that second-term president dangerous. Either way we’re in for some interesting times coming up. (Like that ancient Chinese curse that says, may your children live in interesting times?)

Either way, “that which does not kill us will make us stronger,” and Trump won’t kill American democracy, try as he might. We love to complain about whoever is in power, we hate being told what to do, and we have a habit of building a leader up, then tearing down. Besides that we’re too damn ornery. Meanwhile, thinking ahead to next January 20, 2025, it will be 1,461 days until Trump leaves the White House, “at the latest,” for the final time. Let the countdown begin…

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We may face “tough surfingl” the next few years, but we’ll come out stronger…

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The upper image is courtesy of John Lennon Deportation Case Image – Image Results. See also When John Lennon Was Ordered to Leave U.S. by Authorities, You May Say He’s a DREAMer: John Lennon’s Immigration Case, and The U.S. vs. John Lennon – Wikipedia (on the 2026 documentary about the case). On his death, see Murder of John Lennon – Wikipedia.

Re: Unintended consequences, see Wikipedia: “In the social sciences, unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences, more colloquially called knock-on effects) are outcomes of a purposeful action that are not intended or foreseen.

I borrowed from two prior Trump posts, from August 2019, On “why it might be better…” (Gasp!), and On a second Trump term, from August 2023. In a future post I may review in greater length that 2021 Donald Trump – the newest “Undead Revenant?”

Re: “Lame duck.” Some sources define the term as – in this case – the time available to Joe Biden between now and January 20, 2025 when Trump takes office. See e.g. What lame duck president Joe Biden can still do, and Biden uses lame-duck presidency to shape legacy. As to the second definition see Lame Duck: Definition, President, Amendment, Session – ThoughtCo.

Re: DDE’s heart attack. See Eisenhower’s 1955 heart attack. See also President Dwight Eisenhower: Health and Medical History, saying he had four such heart attacks.

Re: Chinese curse. I heard it first as “may your children ilve in interesting times.” But Wikipedia has it as, “may you live in interesting times.” Also that no actual Chinese source has ever been produced, and that the “expression is ironic: ‘interesting’ times are usually times of trouble.”

The lower image is courtesy of Nietzsche Quotes That Which Does Not Kill Us – Image Results. The link in the caption is to Tough sledding – Idioms by The Free Dictionary, meaning a “difficult, turbulent, or troublesome period of time.” (Call it artistic license.)

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